Elections Administrator
205 N. Russell, Rm 415
PO Box 2493, Pampa 79066
(806) 669-8068 - Phone
(806) 669-4004 - Facsimile
Email voters@graycch.com
Who Represents Me?
Gray County Elected Officials
Candidate Terms
VoteTexas.Gov - The one-stop resource for Texas voter information.
Election Information & Turnout Data
Services Available to Voters with Disabilities
Ballot by Mail
To be eligible to vote early by mail in Texas one of the following must be applicable:
- Be 65 years or older
- Disability
- Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day
- Expected absence from the county during both election day and the early voting time period
- Confinement in jail
There are
applications online or you may request one by contacting the Elections Administrator.
Applications may be mailed or emailed to the elections administrator:
Elections Administrator
205 N. Russell, Rm 415
PO Box 2493
Pampa TX 79066
Email: voters@graycch.com
Phone: (806)669-8068
If an application is emailed, then the original, hard copy of the application MUST be mailed and received by the early voting clerk no later than the 4th business day after sending the email.
Ballot By Mail Informational Pamphlet (Spanish)
Ballot By Mail Tracker and Election Information
Curbside Voting
Available to voters physically unable to enter the polling place without assistance or likelihood of injury.
Gray County Maps
Voting Precincts in Pampa
Gray County Precinct Map
Local Political Subdivision Election Information - May 3, 2025
Pampa ISD (Spanish) Lefors ISD McLean ISD Groom ISD
City of Pampa City of Lefors City of McLean Panhandle Ground Water