Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

County Tax Assessor-Collector


Christie Johnson
P.O. Box 382
Pampa, TX 79066

Phone: 806-669-8018

Gray County Tax-Assessor now has a Facebook page for information only:

If you would like to email your questions regarding Department of Motor Vehicles, please email us at:

Tax Rate Information

Electronic Delivery of Tax Bill - Return completed form by email to property.taxgrayco@graycch.com or mail to PO BOX 382, Pampa, TX

Gray County is now equipped to receive payments online
In order to make on-line payments, go to:
The bureau code is 6729214.
Payments can also be made via the telephone at 1-866-549-1010 using the same bureau code.


The office processes Boat Renewals Only. Mon-Thu until 4:30PM Fri until 1:30PM

This office processes Title Transactions. Mon-Thu until 4:45PM Fri until 1:30PM

Texas Department of Transportation - Vehicle Title & Registration Forms

Texas Department of Transportation - Amarillo Regional Office

Tax Sale Bid Form

For customer convenience the Tax Office has a Payment Drop Box. The Payment Drop is in the Court House, beside the Tax Office entrance door,  Room 101.  Leave your Property Tax Payment, or Motor Vehicle Renewal. The payments are processed daily, and a receipt mailed to you.  There is more information posted at the Drop Box location or give us a call.